2017 rulebook update posting

As I understand it, the money floors are to prevent a player from winning the same large (class) prize over and over again. Since, in Mr. Bird’s hypothetical, the player didn’t win the large prize in the first place, it is not an issue.

Alex Relyea

Emphasis mine. Isn’t that really CCA’s problem, not US Chess’?

Many organizers of big money tournaments refer to the CCA minimum rating list. Even if a player doesn’t have a money floor they can still be put on that list.

No, it clearly shows the rules committee did a poor job in re-writing the rule. There is a discussion currently going on in the “US Chess Federation TD Forum” on Facebook about if draws such as “triple occurrence of position” and “the 50-move rule” exist in blitz and there were some different opinions due to how poorly rule 8 is written.

It starts with “Except as listed here, draw claims allowed under the regular rules are also allowed under the blitz rules.” It means what is says. Because of the lack of a scoresheet many such claims would have to depend on rules like 14C8 and 14F4. I know there are many TDs that do not know about 14C8 and 14F4 for regular-rated games so I can understand the confusion (not condone, just understand). I am not on Facebook and don’t plan to be but that discussion might get ended by simply quoting regular rules 14C8/14F4 and blitz rule 8 and showing there are ways of granting 3-fold and 50-move even if nobody is keeping score (along with leaving the TD to option to declare the 5-fold and 75-move draws).