6th edition suggested improvements

Here are a couple of minor corrections:

Rule 11F: Last sentence should read “See also 16R, No time adjustment for reinstated position.”

Rule 29E: End of next-to-last sentence should read “has a due color of black in round four, as equalization has priority over alternation.”


  1. the current USCF Blitz rules online, uschess.org/docs/gov/reports … hanges.pdf, says “Blitz games typically are set to five minutes and do not use time delay or increment”. In the 6th edition of the rulebook, the “or increment” has been taken out.

  2. The the current USCF Blitz rules online says “G/3, inc/2 is popular in on-line play, and is now standard in international (FIDE) blitz events.” This statement is not in the 6th edition of the rulebook.

Were these changes made on purpose for the 6th edition of the rulebook or are they editing mistakes?

Also, where exactly is G/3, inc/2 popular in on-line play? Blitz on ICC is usually G/3,d0 or G/5,d0.

Not at all true. At ICC, 2/6, 3/1, and 3/2 are very popular. Game 5, with inc, not so much.

1 0 ; 2 0 ; 0 1 , 1 1 , 2 1 ; 0 2 , 1 2 ; 0 3 and 0 4 are popular too, though they are Bullet play.

Note that per the USCF Delegates, the fastest time controls that can be USCF rated are ones where MM+SS is 5.

There are 5 possibilities: G/3;d2, G/3;+2, G/4;d1, G/4;+1 or G/5;d0.

Those aren’t “rules”. Those are observations.

What about G/3;d1;+1? :smiling_imp:

Will the software handle time controls that feature both increment and delay?

Alex Relyea

Bad Jeff. Don’t do that. :smiling_imp: :smiley:

There’s obviously :question: :smiling_imp: :exclamation: a bug because I did a test and it didn’t accept G/3;d1;+1 or G/5;d1;+1 or G/10;d3;+5. Maybe fixing that should be the highest thing on Mike’s list, right ahead of breathing :unamused:

Nope. Are there any clocks that support it, or organizers likely to run such events?

BTW, we did have a question from someone recently about fractional time controls, such as Game in 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Clocks might even allow this, but the USCF only accepts time controls expressed as integers. (Back in 2011 there was someone submitting events with a time control of 29.9999 minutes so that it wasn’t dual rated, but the current parser would probably object to that.)

BTW, I enjoyed taking a weekend off from reading the Forums, I’ll do that more often!

I’ll have to test a GameTimer later.

My guess is that some clocks can handle it but very few people are interested in trying it.

A GameTimer can not handle both delay and increment. Nor can a Chronos (at least the “long” Chronos).

I never said they were rules.

Oh, but what if you were using an increment clock and a “long delay” :laughing:

No. You just implied it. Otherwise, why would you think these might be “editing mistakes”?

My very old Chronos (ca 1996) can handle it. The mode is called DL-CU (which stands for delay, move count, unlimited). That mode was intended for something like 40/120, then 20/60 indefinitely, with a 5-second delay throughout.

But you could just as easily set it for 1/10, then 1/5 indefinitely, with a 5-second delay. That would be 1 move in 10 minutes, then 1 move in 5 minutes indefinitely, d5.

Or, in our case, 1/3, then 1/0:01, d1.

Bill Smythe

The document referred to here was not used as source material in the creation of the 6th edition. So, any assumptions presented here regarding this document and the 6th edition are not relevant. This document also appears to not reflect any changes made by the Delegates to the Blitz rules.

What changes in the Blitz rules that were made by the delegates are not in the document?

You can research that by reviewing the Delegate meeting minutes since the original Blitz rules were created.

And where are the delegate meeting minutes?