The document is exactly the same as what is in the 6th edition of the rulebook except for a few minor differences such as the ones given above so if the document does “not reflect any changes made by the Delegates to the Blitz rules.”, then the 6th edition doesn’t either.
Also, saying the document appears to not reflect any changes made by the Delegates to the Blitz rules is obviously false. It mentions changes such as no insufficient losing chances is now the standard, illegal move loses is standard and no longer a variation, the Blitz rating system, etc.
I’ve reviewed the changes made by the Delegates and I don’t see where the document (and the 6th edition since what is in the document is substantially the same as what is in the 6th edition) doesn’t “reflect any changes made by the Delegates to the Blitz rules.”
Perhaps the moderators should consider splitting this thread into two – “6th edition suggested improvements, 14H” and “6th edition suggested improvements, other”.
Both topics are interesting and worthwhile. But the thread is becoming large and unwieldy, and the two parts of the conversation are starting to interfere with each other. The 14H posts are tending to drown out interesting ideas in the “other” category.
I’ve created a new topic, 6th edition suggested improvements - 14H, to discuss the 6th edition changes to rule 14H, insufficient losing chances. I may create additional spin-off topics if there is extensive discussion of other suggested improvements to the 6th edition rules.
I’ve reviewed all the delegate meeting minutes and do not see where the document (and the 6th edition of the rulebook since what is in the 6th edition if essentially the same as what is in the document) does “not reflect any changes made by the Delegates to the Blitz rules.” It would be good if Tim would enlighten us here or retract his statement.
OK, I had nothing to do directly with the creation of the stand alone Blitz rules document you refer to; therefore, all I can do is guess as to the origin and update of said document–just like everyone else.
??? I’m not talking about the origin and update of the document. You said the document does “not reflect any changes made by the Delegates to the Blitz rules.” What changes in the Blitz rules are not reflected in the document? I’ve reviewed the delegates meeting minutes and do not see any changes to the Blitz rules that are not reflected in the document. Therefore, I will ask this very simple question again, what changes in the Blitz rules are not reflected in the document?
Also, the stand alone Blitz rules document is substantially the same as to what is in the 6th edition of the rulebook which would mean, based on your comment, that the 6th edition of the rulebook does “not reflect any changes made by the Delegates to the Blitz rules” either.
Huh? I said: “This document also appears to not reflect any changes made by the Delegates to the Blitz rules.” You left the bold part out of the quote. I gave the document you keep referring to–that I had noting to with-- a quick look. I did not do research. I did not make a statement of fact (thus the word “appears”). Why do you want me involved in a document I had noting to do with? I wish I had time to do your research for you or even understand your point, but I don’t. Good luck hunting down whatever it is you are searching for.
Yes, and based on your quick look, what changes made by the Delegates to the Blitz rules did it appear were not reflected in the document? It’s a very simple question Tim. If there are changes to the Blitz rules that are not in the document (and consequently the 6th edition of the rulebook) I would like to know so I know what the current Blitz rules are.
I don’t. I am just trying to understand something you stated about the document.
I’ve already done the research and don’t see where the document “appears to not reflect any changes made by the Delegates to the Blitz rules” like you said. If there are changes to the Blitz rules that are not in the document (and consequently the 6th edition of the rulebook) I would like to know so I know what the current Blitz rules are.
I still don’t get it. I gave an opinion based on quick look. So what? You seem to care about something or another. Perhaps when the 2014 minutes are available you can do your research there. Since I had nothing to do with this document, I am done with this conversation.
Defense attorney: “Your honor the prosecution is badgering the witness.”
And I was just wanting to get some clarification on this and hoped you could tell us what changes to the Blitz rules made by the Delegates does it appear are not reflected in the document.
Why am I not surprised that you continue to beat around the bush and not answer the question? Maybe because you did it before in the 14H conversation.
Judge: “Answer the very simple question Mr. Just.” (What changes to the Blitz rules made by the Delegates does it appear are not reflected in the document?)