Adding Chess Games to Websites

What is the absolute best source for adding chess games to websites?

And why?

This is not for advertisement purposes. I create chess websites and need to know what’s the best out there.


Depends. What’s the goal? For example, ChessBase will generate code, allows you to reference its link and thereby link to playable content etc. The concept of “Best” means that you’re looking for fit - and without knowing what you are trying to accomplish, its hard to know.

For an example of kvchess see

For one example of ChessBase (yes you can change colors, etc.) see

I’m certain there are many other ways, and others will contribute ideas.

Thank you and a very good response, Kevin.

To clarify: My websites are fluid. Things move around and sometimes appear and disappear based on the screen size.

All the online games I’ve seen are “fixed”. By that I mean they have a set number of pixels for width, similar to an iFrame. In the examples you game me everything looks great on a desktop or a tablet. As the screen width narrows the chess board remains the same. But the annotation window to the right gets smaller and smaller until it is unreadable.

For what I’m looking for consider two squares side-by-side.

The left square contains the board and pieces. The right square contains the annotations and game score.

In the desktop and tablet view this works great.

To keep everything great in the phone view the square on the right needs to shift underneath the one on the left.

That’s what I’m looking for and I’ve looked at many many sites.