Q: I just became an USCF affiliate, “Houma Chess Club”, how do I edit or where is the link to edit the information this site provides to the public? like Phone numbers and meeting locations ect…
Thank you
Harry Perkins
Q: I just became an USCF affiliate, “Houma Chess Club”, how do I edit or where is the link to edit the information this site provides to the public? like Phone numbers and meeting locations ect…
Thank you
Harry Perkins
Apply for a login to the TD/Affiliate Support Area, then you can edit it all you want.
Due to an email routing problem that is being worked on, instead of using the online signup form, you need to call or email Joan Dubois or Susan Kantor at the national office with the information needed to set up your account (give them 3 choices for a login ID).
“edit away” its easy to say but I cant find the “club information edit link”. I am an affiliate already and have found links everywhere. I am looking for the link that allows me to ad the meeting place times and other pertentent info concerning the club. I found password, contact, and e-mail edits but no [size=150]info edit link[/size]. please advise
Harry Perkins
Houma Chess Club
On your affiliate page on TD/Affiliate the sixth link in the first column is Update Club Directory Information. This is what you want. If you can’t access that page, please refer to Mr. Nolan above.
Alex Relyea
my 6th link is “Pay for pending items” thank you, I will contact the office.
I have a hunch you are logging in as a TD instead as an Affiliate. The two are separate with seperate abilities.
The 6th item you reference shows up when I log in as TD. When I log in as the Affiliate I get the Edit link, which I just did to update our clubs info. We moved recently. So thinks for the reminder.
On the TD/A page
the first options are below (numbers added by me for ease of reading this list). You can check this to see the two (or more) that are not showing up for you.
Left Column
1> Tournament Organizer Information Page
2> Memberships
3> Group Memberships
4> Member Name Corrections
5> Update your List of Authorized TDs
6> Update Club Directory Information
7> Update Affiliate Mailing Address
8> Pay for Pending Items Online
9> Approve State Championship Event TLAs
10> Display Outstanding Vouchers
11> Online TLAs (not Chess Life TLAs)
12> Activity Analysis
13> Demographic Queries
14> Counts for Merged Demographic Queries (Assign query set to a flyer)
15> Create/Edit a Flyer (for email blasts)
16> Log Out
Middle Column
17> Download Rating Supplement Files [with Regular and Quick ratings]
18> Download Rating Supplement Files [with Regular and Blitz ratings]
19> Custom Rating Lists
20> Status of Tournaments submitted under this Affiliate ID
21> Get a crosstable for your event
22> Get a crosstable for any event
23> List TDs by geographical area
24> List TDs by certification level
25> Show a TD’s directing experience record
26> List of Special Referees
Right column
27> Change your password
28> Review and Update your Public Contact Information
29> Change your e-mail address and TLA Mail settings.
30> Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Last Updated February 19, 2018
31> How to send an affiliate email blast (REVISED!)
32> The Junior Tournament Player Program (JTP)
33> House Players
34> Membership Exemption for Foreign IMs and GMs
35> Changes to US Chess Rulebook since publication of the 6th edition
36> US Chess Rating System Formula
Create a PDF file with board number signs
Are you logged in as a TD or as an affiliate? (If you have an entry for ‘Tournament Rating Reports’, you’re logged in as a TD.)
If I had it to do all over again, I’ve have set up two separate login areas, one for TDs and a separate one for Affiliates.
I resubmitted everything, are both TD and the affiliate logins the same if not, what would be my affiliate “log in ID”: I have the password it just provided.
Just like every TD and every affiliate can have just one unique membership ID, every TD and every affiliate can have just one unique TD/A login.
When you do things that TDs do (like submitting tournament rating reports), you do so using the TD’s login, when you do things that affiliates do (like updating the club information page or the list of TDs authorized to submit events under that affiliate ID), you do so using the affiliate’s login.
Always have a separate ID & Password for TD and Affiliate. It helps to avoid confusion. Remember to add to your affiliate a list of approved TDs that you will be using at your events, even possible TDs. As previously mentions TDs submit rating reports not affiliates, that is why it is important to have a fully updated list of approved TDs for your affiliate. The TDs can pay for submission, or release the (approved & completed) submitted rating report to the Affiliate for payment. Hope this helps you out.
Good luck with the new club. Last time I was in Houma was over 30 years ago for a tournament in the back room of a Chuckie’s Cheese.
Larry S. Cohen
The login ID’s HAVE to be different, each login ID must be unique and assigned to just one member or affiliate ID.
Most security experts recommend not using the same password in multiple places.
Personally, I never use password ‘wallets’. If your wallet is compromised, then ALL of your passwords are compromised.
Houma…Brings back fond memories of Festivals Acadiens et Créoles and hearing the late Beau Jocque playing Zydeco…Give Him Cornbread!