I was annotating a game with Fritz 12. I left and came back to it several times, each time carefully doing a save–> replace. Then, I looked at some other games in a different database. When I came back to the game I was annotating, a much earlier version was all I could find. (Yes, I know, if somebody told me this I’d tend to think they didn’t really save it, but I did, honest I did). Anyway, anybody else experience something similar?
Running on Windows 7, using Deep Rybka 4x64 as engine.
I had the same thing happen to me with Fritz 12. Replacing a game was completely ineffective. I ended up switching from the Fritz database format to .pgn format, and then it worked OK. In .pgn databases, it always appends when saving a game, so you can’t do a replace. But you can always use notepad to delete the older version by hand.
Thanks. At least I don’t have to worry (as much) that I was losing my mind. I never had this problem with Fritz-11, or any of the earlier versions, for that matter. I might just start going back to 11 when annotating.
Can’t say that I have, but most of my database entries using any Chessbase products are usually for correspondence chess with Chessbase Light Premium 2009. No problems there. No problem with Chess Assistant 11 or Aquarium Rybka 4 either. Odd glitch with Fritz 12. Have you contacted Chessbase? There are usually very quick to respond.
Not yet, but I probably will. I wanted at least some reassurance that others had similar problems and that I wasn’t hallucinating doing a save → replace.