
So, is there any news on when the replacement ballots will be sent out? I’d like to vote and get it over with.

-ed g.

I haven’t received a status update this week. They SHOULD be in the mail by now, assuming there were no last minute delays or complications…

Actually, I received my replacement ballot on 6/18/05 (Massachusetts). Ironically, however, I haven’t received my June Chess Life and neither has one of my club players - who also did not get the ballot…Judy Misner said the Chess Lifes would go out in a supplemental mailing at the end of this month. So, if you renewed your membership in May, you might not get a ballot until it arrives in your magazine. If you’re on the west coast, you’ll probably get the ballot any time now. If you’re on the east coast and don’t get it by the end of this week, I’d probably recommend contacting the USCF office. And by the way, for when Mike Nolan reads this, I still never received a reply to a contact us on chess life email that I sent on June 7, but did receive a reply from Judy Misner within 48 hours. Whoever is in charge of giving her a raise should be advised to do so. :slight_smile:

According to Executive Director Bill Hall, the replacement ballots were mailed on Monday, June 20th.

The replacement ballots were sent to those people who were supposed to receive a ballot in their June issue of Chess Life as well as to voting members who do not receive Chess Life.

However, because the list of voting members used by our printer had to be prepared in early May, it did not include those voting members who joined or rejoined the USCF after the main mailing was prepared.

Voting members who joined or rejoined in May (after the preparation of the main list for the June issue) have already been sent a ballot separate from the magazine. They will NOT receive a ballot in their June copy of Chess Life, because our printer has no more copies of the ballots left.

Those who joined or rejoined in June will receive a ballot in a final supplemental mailing of ballots that will be sent out in early July.