This past Monday we decided to try increment timing in a 4 round event at our evening club meeting over 4 Monday evenings. I am the TD of this event.
I got my Chronos out and found the CH-P5 mode to be appropriate for our needs, G/60, inc/30. I set that clock accordingly and the beginning time display on both clock displays was, 1:00:00. I tried out the clock in this setting and it indeed added or accumulated the unused increment time, as expected.
I also have a DGT 3000 so I got that clock out so we would have an extra increment clock to use in the event if needed. I set that clock for the Fischer Bonus mode and this time when the clock was ready, the clock displays showed, 1:00:30. Just like the Bronstein method of delay, the clock added the increment time to the main time at the beginning.
So now, we had a discrepancy of beginning clock times.
I called my friend and my expert on FIDE and DGT clocks, Sevan Muradian. Sevan told me that the setup of the DGT clock was correct per the rules of FIDE and DGT had their clocks set up to comply with FIDE rules. Well, that makes sense, sort of. Our Monday night club is USCF rated only and we really don’t do FIDE ratings locally like this.
Today I had a few minutes and decided to look it up in the latest edition of the USCF rulebook that I have on my KIndle app. I found the time controls and styles explained, but I did not see any mention of how the display of the clock should begin with increment.
Now, I know the Bronstein method which does the delay time after the move starts the display with the delay time added to the main time. And I know, from experience and the rulebook that the US Delay and Bronstein styles are equivalent.
The increment time is always added after the move. And there is no before-move increment option in existence anywhere.
With a 30 second increment, the DGT and any other clock that has the increment time added to the main time at the beginning of the game is adding one minute to the total game time compared to using a Chronos or Excalibur GameTime II where the time is not automatically summed, main time and increment time.
To make all the clocks equal we will need to modify the clock timing. If we go with the FIDE rule, we will need to add 30 seconds to the main time of the Chronos and GameTime II (I don’t know about other increment clocks than these 2 and the DGT brand). If we want to have the main time be displayed and used at the beginning of the game, we will need to set the DGT clocks for 59:30 as the main time.
What do you TDs practice in your tournaments with increment timing?