Benko's Bafflers CL May 2012

The first problem in Benko’s Bafflers in the May 2012 issue of Chess Life (page 49) is flawed. The flaw is a very simple cook that was apparently overlooked by whoever award the study a prize.

What can Black do after 1. g6? (a) 1. … hxg, 2. Nxg6. (b) After any Black king move there is 2. gxh. (c) After 1. … h5, 2. g7 wins since white queens and can then easily capture the black pawn.

This was an editorial dept. mistake. Benko submitted “White to Play and Win”; ‘win’ mistakenly got changed to ‘draw.’


Dan Lucas
Editor, Chess Life

Hi Dan:

Thanks for your reply. I should have been able to figure that out for myself, but I jumped to a quick conclusion and only scanned the problem answer, rather than reading it carefully. Sorry about that.