Hey Guys,
I was trying to submitt a tournament today but it seems like the USCF isn’t accepting any of my credit cards. (I use a few becuase some places don’t take Discover or whatever). But the main point is that I can’t get this submitted. I have done it five times since really eairly today and I keep getting the following e-mail:
May 2, 2010 11:27:37
Your tournament, ReverseAngle18, could not be submitted for rating.
Processing CHARLES CARERROS’s credit card for Rating fee for event ID ReverseAngle18 REVERSE ANGLE 18
Card denied: The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider.
Thank you for your support of US Chess.
I have submitted a bunch of these before using this same card. Does anyone know if this is something that I might be doing wrong or is something wrong with the USCF site?
I pride myself on getting tournaments submitted with-in 24 hours of its completion, or I would just wait a few days.