Credit Card TD Submissions

Hey Guys,

I was trying to submitt a tournament today but it seems like the USCF isn’t accepting any of my credit cards. (I use a few becuase some places don’t take Discover or whatever). But the main point is that I can’t get this submitted. I have done it five times since really eairly today and I keep getting the following e-mail:

May 2, 2010 11:27:37
Your tournament, ReverseAngle18, could not be submitted for rating.

Processing CHARLES CARERROS’s credit card for Rating fee for event ID ReverseAngle18 REVERSE ANGLE 18
Card denied: The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider.

Thank you for your support of US Chess.

I have submitted a bunch of these before using this same card. Does anyone know if this is something that I might be doing wrong or is something wrong with the USCF site?

I pride myself on getting tournaments submitted with-in 24 hours of its completion, or I would just wait a few days.


This may sound stupid, but have you checked the expiration date on your card? We are just two days into a new month.


Yep, both cards expire in October. Hmm. That’s interesting that they both have the same expiration date.

Any other ideas???



I just tried it again and it worked. Who knows. Maybe I did type something wrong.

But all is good and stuff is posted.


I don’t recall having looked into that particular error message before. I see it a few times in the logs today, not sure what caused it. It could have been a transmission error between the USCF and the company we use to process credit card transactions, Authorizenet.

We have some scripts in place that monitor credit card processing every hour (and will page Phil and me if a problem is severe enough), but nothing tripped it today.