Unable to submit a tournament using new format.

I have tried twice to submit a tournament for rating, but it won’t go through. The validation returns with 0 errors and shows as “Ready to Submit” in my T/A Support Area. I am able to go through the process of entering the credit card information and selection SUBMIT EVENT. When I return to the Tournament Rating section, the tournament is still listed as “Ready to Submit” and it doesn’t get rated.

I tried to rate it on Saturday and again today. The tournament ID is 201201060002.

Please let me know if there’s something I can/need to do.

  • Enrique

Scratch this post. It appears to have been solved. (Incorrect Credit Card number.)

  • Enrique

Enrique, it appears you were the back room/pairing TD and uploaded the event but were not the chief TD, and it was the chief TD’s credit card (and email address) that was used for the failed charge attempts.

Both times we sent a failure notice for the charge attempt to that email address. While we may want to revise our programming to also email the submitting TD (when different) and possibly the affiliate when there is a credit card problem with a rating report, shouldn’t it be the chief TD’s responsibility to contact the submitting TD when that happens? (And if the credit card is in the name of a third party, then what should we do?)

BTW, it might have been faster to contact the USCF when the event didn’t show up on MSA as expected.

“Other tools, such as membership exception requests and the ability to have an affiliate pay for a completed rating report, will be rolled out over the next few days.”

Hopefully this will be working before the old rating report form is removed. Currently if you have a house player in your tournament and you use the new rating report form, you have to purchase a 3-month trial membership for the house player in order to submit the tournament, unless you use the old rating report form.

This is simply not true. I had a house player this past weekend and I emailed the office and was able to submit the membership exception request with a little help.

Alex Relyea

Sorry for the erroneous statement. I should have said that the rating report can’t be submitted automatically online using the new rating report form, right after the tournament ends, but instead needs someone in the office to override the house player’s expired membership in order for the tournament to pass validation. Also it’s not always possible to get someone in the office to help with a rating report on a holiday weekend.

Depending upon the reason for the override request, it isn’t possible to automatically process all requests, and around 10% of the requests that can be reviewed automatically are denied.

Hopefully that doesn’t mean that the 90% of the requests which were approved automatically before now have to be reviewed manually.

The obsolete version of the rating report form automatically evaluated and, in most cases, approved the house players as a valid member exception, allowing the rating reports to be submitted online right away, without having to involve the office later on.

The programming to enter and review exception requests is nearly complete, it was tested by a TD a couple of days ago. (The algorithms used for the review are changing somewhat, in part to take into account the changes to the membership structure since exception requests were last worked on several years ago.) However, there were some systems problems today, possibly either caused or exacerbated by this week’s rerate, that are still being resolved, and that work had to take priority.