Hope you had a good Memorial Day! It was a busier weekend than normal so I had guest-host David Meliti write this week’s newsletter (with a little help from Jerry Maier), and I chose a game of his where he finally chose the right moves against me. Of course, I had a good excuse for this loss as illustrated by the video!
Paul Anderson
Read The Newsletter (click here):
( … eliti-week )
- This Week In Chess
- Results And Prizes For May East Coast Deli
- Right Move Public Chess Club
- Game: David Meliti Week ( )
- Video: Family Ties On Chess II ( )
Upcoming Events
6/1 Speed tournament, CSCC
6/1,8,15,22,29 Fort Collins Chess Club Woolly Mammoth June G/75 Open, CSCA
6/2,9,16,23,30 2010 June East Coast Deli, CSCC
6/3,10,17,24 Panera Bread Thursday’s, CSCC
6/3,10,17,24 Thursday Night G/75 June 2010 Swiss, RMPCC
6/5 Pueblo Open One Day Rated Chess Tournament, CSCA
For event details and additional events, see the following websites:
Colorado Springs Chess Club: CSCC (
Right Move Public Chess Club: RMPCC (
Denver Chess Club: DCC (
Colorado State Chess Association: CSCA (
Wyoming Chess Association: WCA (
Kansas Chess Association: KCA (
Tim Brennan’s Chess Blog: (