Friend, Gentleman, and Chess Player


It has been a busy week for me, but thankfully my contributors stepped up again and put together a wonderful newsletter. Thanks to Jerry Maier, Buck Buchanan, Renae Delaware, David Meliti, and especially Barbie Fortune for her help with my Al Ufer week tribute. I also found a webpage Brian L. Walker of Wyoming put together for Al a while back and have included it here. You can see the photos on the link in the newsletter! Enjoy!

Paul Anderson

Read The Newsletter (click here):
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  1. This Week In Chess
  2. 2010 June East Coast Deli Results
  3. Colorado Springs Chess Club 3rd Quarter Schedule
  4. Casual Chess Night This Saturday!
  5. Right Move Public Chess
  6. Game: Friend, Gentleman, and Chess Player By Barbie Fortune featuring Brian L. Walker ( )

Upcoming Events

7/13 3-SS, G/20, Quick rated, CSCC
7/14 First Principles Of Chess at Petrie’s Family Games
7/14,21,28 2010 July East Coast Deli, CSCC
7/15,22,29 Panera Bread Thursday’s, CSCC
7/15,22,29 Thursday Night G/75 June 2010 Swiss, RMPCC
7/17 Steel City Summer Sizzler, CSCA

For event details and additional events, see the following websites:

Colorado Springs Chess Club: CSCC (
Right Move Public Chess Club: RMPCC (
Denver Chess Club: DCC (
Colorado State Chess Association: CSCA (
Wyoming Chess Association: WCA (
Kansas Chess Association: KCA (
New Mexico Chess Organization: NMCO (
Wired Kings Chess Club: (
Yetman Brothers Chess: (
Tim Brennan’s Chess Blog: (