The Music Of Chess


A lot of news from Dean Brown, Jerry Maier, and David Meliti. Thanks to those guys for keeping me informed and freeing up some time to get Fred Eric Spell an article for the July Informant. So, you have that to eagerly await!

Also, I finally got revenge on my son for beating me four years ago in this week’s game, and I added the first ever chess music playlist.

Paul Anderson

Read The Newsletter (click here):
( … c-of-chess )

  1. This Week In Chess
  2. Results of 2010 Pueblo Open
  3. Right Move Public Chess Club
  4. Game: The Music Of Chess ( )
  5. Video: CSCN post-game commentary ( )

Upcoming Events

6/8,15 June Mating Game tournament: 4-SS, G/30, USCF rated, $5 entry fee, CSCC
6/8,15,22,29 Fort Collins Chess Club Woolly Mammoth June G/75 Open, CSCA
6/9,16,23,30 2010 June East Coast Deli, CSCC
6/10,17,24 Panera Bread Thursday’s, CSCC
6/10,17,24 Thursday Night G/75 June 2010 Swiss, RMPCC
6/13 USAFA NoEF Quads, CSCA

For event details and additional events, see the following websites:

Colorado Springs Chess Club: CSCC (
Right Move Public Chess Club: RMPCC (
Denver Chess Club: DCC (
Colorado State Chess Association: CSCA (
Wyoming Chess Association: WCA (
Kansas Chess Association: KCA (
Tim Brennan’s Chess Blog: (