If anyone can help, I will be most grateful. I just entered a big tournament online to be rated using the by hand method.
I am about to submit, but although I have but one section, I accidentally typed in 25 sections (no idea how that happened)
That number will not delete! There is a button to add a section…but no button to subtract a section.
DO not want to enter this whole thing again.
It appears I can change everything else on the whole report BUT the number of sections !
I would appreciate any suggestions…there should be an option to reduce a section…

Use the copy utility to copy your event to a new event ID, you can pick which section (s) to copy over.

BTW, this is covered in the FAQ on TD/A.

Mike…THanks for much for coming to the rescue…it took me 4 hours to enter everything…just to find out I cant submit due to putting in 25 sections accidentally!

Your response gives me hope…I looked up and down for this copy utility you mention…but honestly it is not in any obvious place…I did searches for the word copy and it came up with 0

Where/How to I find this tool?

Thanks once again …as I am SOOOOO appreciative right now…


Should be the 3rd item in the middle column ‘Copy a pending event’.