Event with a combination of dual/regular-only time controls

If a tournament has some rounds at dual rated time controls and some rounds at regular-only rated time controls all of the games are only suppose to be regular rated by the programming (despite the rules not stating this).

However, someone pointed out this event to me, uschess.org/msa/XtblMain.php?202002160432.0, which had rounds 1-4 at G/60;d5 and rounds 5-6 at G/90;d5 and all the games were dual rated.

My understanding is that the submission software hacks the rating system out of the time control. (The submission standard includes the rating system as an input, but too many of those were set incorrectly). The fact that it’s usually correct is remarkable.

I checked our records, and when the event was submitted for validation for the last time on 2/16/2020, the time control for each section was listed as G/60;d5, which is why it was coded as dual rated.

Apparently the office was asked to change the time control information, and it was changed on 2/23 to what is now shown on MSA, but the ratings system was not changed to regular-only, which is how it would have been treated had the time control when it was being validated been what it is now. (That has to be changed separately by the office.)

Thanks Mike!

Changing the event to ‘regular only’ is a ratings department task, they’ve been advised of this issue but it may not be high on their task list. The question of whether this is a one-off occurrence or something for which there is a pattern is a separate matter which may require further investigation, which has not yet been authorized.

We did a review of events back to 2019 and other than the event that started this thread we only found a few other events that appear to have time control information that is inconsistent with the ratings system it is currently under. The Ratings Department will decide what to do with these events.

Great, thanks Mike!

9 sections dating back to mid 2019 were changed so that the ratings system is consistent with the time control information in the event. The 29 sections in one event from 2020 that should have been online-regular had it been available then (it wasn’t until June) were left as online-quick events.

Excellent, thanks Mike!