
I was looking at the previous posts and it seems that questions are getting answered.

Still, if you have posted a question on this forum and have not received an adaquate answer, or still have questions, please repost a New Thread and I will try to get you an answer.

My areas of expertise (if I have any expertise!) would be in Tournament Direction i.e. USCF rules, TD Certification, etc. and in Chess Club organization. Still, I can usually find the answers to most of your questions if I need to.

Here To Help,

Terry Winchester
evansville (IN) cc

ps) thanks to all the guys and gals currently helping out here. Let’s keep it going.

Hello Terry,

Thanks for helping our forums get off the ground! I started them but then found myself swamped with work and haven’t posted as I planned. I will encourage more USCF people to post as well.

Bill Goichberg
USCF Executive Director