G/3;inc2 and a clock without increment or delay capability

Second part is true, of course. The first part is becoming less and less true as organizers and players become more intelligent.

Bill Smythe

Over 60% of the Blitz games rated since January of 2016 were G/5;d0. Here are the top 5 time controls by games rated (about 83,000 games total):

[code] tc count games

G/5;d0 1042 51237
G/3;+2 197 12387
G/5;d2 285 7856
G/10;d0 235 4669
G/3;d2 46 2017[/code]

Agreed, plus some people might like the fact that their opponents will usually get less overall time for the game with G/3;inc2 than with G/5;d0.