Generating Lists of Female Players

Greetings from Asheboro, NC!

Can someone tell me if there is a way to generate a list of female-only players from a particular state?


William “Tom” Hales

Not from the website.

Mike, can USCF generate or offer at a fee, lists of female players per region, or state??

I think it’s possible to select only females on a mailing list order. Lists can also be limited geographically, such as by state.

As to making information like that available on the website, that might raise privacy concerns.

Randy Bauer has been talking about having the Board review the USCF’s privacy policy, this is the sort of issue that could be addressed in that review.

Greetings from Asheboro!

The USCF provides a list of the top female players. If there is a privacy issue of simply knowing someone’s gender, then how can they give us the top female player list?

I don’t see a privacy issue with simply indicating gender on a list (at a TD’s request). Many of the names are self-evident, and without an address it seems hard to imagine what harm there is in such basic information.

There will soon be an all-girls event in our state. What should a TD do if someone who appears to be male shows up and wants to play? Should they question the player’s gender? :blush:

My purpose for getting the list was to gather statistical data from some of our larger tournaments. If it is a worthy goal to increase female participation, we can’t measure success without knowing this simple information.


Tom Hales

Top lists are generally limited to no more than about 10% of the eligible population, often far less than that.

As a result, they raise different issues than making comprehensive lists available on the Internet. (The privacy issues may be more obvious with age-based lists than with gender-specific ones, but I think the potential is there.)

The reason we have an Executive Board is to make policy decisions. This is a policy decision.

I’ve sent a few memos on privacy issue topics to Bill Hall in which, among other things, I suggested that the USCF may want to seek some legal advice before making any changes in its privacy policies. We may need to offer some additional ‘opt out’ choices as part of a comprehensive revision of our privacy policies, too.