Is WinTD 4.0 dead?

Just having a question, is WinTD 4.0 unable to be used for the TD/Affiliate? As the file name ends (in WinTD 4.0) in a ‘.pto’ not a ‘.DBF’ file. Do not know how the old the program is, as someone (burn a disk) did give it to me. As it only can produce one type of file (wrong file), without the four different files wanted to be uploaded, what programs will be accepted and what is a wast of money.

Not to say it was bad (WinTD 4.0), it did give me the final crosstable, being a copy (no printer) for a handwritten tournament report (sending 1/10/05). Did thought of having the (WinTD 4.0) program at the event (Western Michigan Open) on Saturday (1.8.05). Since they are not my computers, the site plans to get a software program, as they do not want programs that are not owned by them.

Would like to know what programs, do not interface with the uploading in the TD/AFFILIATE? The only reason for sending in the report online(TD/AFFILIATE) was not the cost, as there is a clear bias for online reporting of events first before any others. Just hate to tell the managers, of spending the capital on a program that will not interface with the TD/AFFILIATE.

Its’ not so much for myself, as willing to send in handwritten reports for the rest of my life. Its’ for the players, as looking for my replacement within the next year. As do not have much time (liberty and life) left with chess. Do own a cemertary plot, only need to get my marker some time in 2005.

So what would be the best interfacing program?

This is probably a question better directed to Tom Doan, author of WinTD.

His e-mail address is

I think the .pto files are the internal files that WinTD uses, there should be a menu option to create the rating report files which are the .DBF files you need. (You will also need a text file with the crosstable for all sections, you’ll have to figure out how to do that yourself.)

Yes, WinTD still works for submitting rating reports. Check the WinTD help files under “Ratings,USCF report” for details on how to use the program to create the *.dbf files that you need. To submit the crosstable in txt format, set “output to window” under the “Reports” menu. Then when you “print” the crosstable, it will print to a window, which you can then save as a txt file to submit to USCF.

Version 4.01 is the most recent version of WinTD. If you have 4.0, you can get the update at the Estima website:

I highly recommend that you BUY the program once you see how well it works!

Brenda Hardesty
Austin, Texas
Senior TD

Go to Reports,
Click on "Make USCF Report:
in the Tournament Export dialog box, fill in the information and select “write files to Hard Drive”.

This will put the needed files in the wintd folder (c:\estima\wintd for example), and you can then upload them from there.

I recommend saving the files you want to upload in a separate directory such as C:\TEMP.

Some users have had problems uploading files.

It appears to be related to the path, saving it in the root directory, a floppy diskette (or jump drive) or to a shorter path seems to help.

(A space in the path appears to be one of the causes of upload issues, but probably not the only one.)

Also, with WinTD, be sure to select Reports/Output To Window from the menu BEFORE generating the USCF report files. This will send the USCF Wall Chart to the screen, instead of the printer, so you can save it as a text file to submit with the three dbf files. I save the 3 dbf and 1 txt files to the c:/ root directory to avoid any path issues when they’re being submitted. Then the files are copied to the folder where they will be archived.

This has worked fine for my WinTD 4.01 / IE 6.0 / Win XP setup.

Mike Swatek

If that is the case, will just mail (handwritten tournament report) in the “Western Michigan Open” on Monday (1/10/2005). As the computer I have, someone gave it to me as a gift (former library computer). Only did a wipe on the computer and changed the box, as changing the box was cheaper then the replacement of both fans. The 3.5 floppy drive broke down some time in August, and only has one drive. It gets me online, that is all that I care for a computer to do in the first place.

It its going to cost me ($200 - $900) to upgrade hardware and software just to send in a online report, how much would I save if the handwritten report only cost $19.20 for a dual rating fee? The site property will have the computers online soon, and they will get the pairing program (as they want ownership of software). When that day happens will do a online reporting from their computers.

You can enter ratings reports online using the edit form without having any pairing program at all.

I don’t know that personally I’d want to enter one larger than about 10 players and 4 rounds that way, but another TD has already entered one larger than that online.

Did use it, the event was done (Western Michigan Open) online (1.10.2005). Even it was my first time doing it, it was still faster (4 rounds, 24 ratable games, 13 players) then doing it by hand. After finding out the errors and fix the problem. Did it by hand without a uploaded pairing program, will be faster then a handwritten report, after (trial and error) the director understands the software. It did save me a trip to the United States Post Office, if done again would be faster then the time to drive over and stand in line.

Thanks Nolan.