Local TD Finally!!!

Just wanted to thank all of you who helped me so much. I finally passed the Local TD exam. I couldn’t have done it without your help and this forum! Not to mention that one year extension the TDCC so graciously gave me (to get my experience requirements up to par)…

A. Jorge Garcia, Local TD

Congratulations Garcia:

Now when someone asks you what certification you are, you can take your finger and point it to your ear. Start to make your finger go around in a circle when you say “I AM A LOCAL.” :laughing:

Thumbs Up!!

Tim Just

Recently I was contacted by someone I know who had just made local TD and was putting out a press release about it.

I think that’s the first time I have ever heard of someone doing that.

Why not, Mike? I guess there’s no such thing as bad publicity :slight_smile:

On the other hand, using Doug’s example from two posts up, he probably should have been made an “Honorary Local TD” a while ago …

OK, I get it, not only am I a certified Local TD, I guess I had to be “certifiable” first, right? :laughing:

Thanx guys! The people to thank are too numerous, but TimJ, BillS, MikeN and DougF do come to mind.

A. Jorge Garcia

Congratulation Garcia:

Very happy you are a local, but you got to have some fun with the job tittle. Only the USCF demands people needing the experience, needing to pass a test, to get a tittle of LOCAL. Welcome to the club, we have a room for you in the federation funny farm. :laughing:

Of course, congrats…

but to continue the thought of being “certifiable” and to risk a little political incorrectness, your next step is to become “Senior” Senor TD Garcia.

(I can’t make that funny little wavy line ofer the n, but you get the picture.)

Good luck in your directing, hope you don’t have TOO many players like Mr. Forsythe in your events (just kidding, Doug, (kind of)).

Ah, sí, I am now but a lowly Local TD, but soon to be a certifiable

USCF Senior TD Señor A. Jorge García!
