Looking for a chess club in SE Michigan

I’m looking for a chess club in SE Michigan, ideally near Novi. Most of what I can find online are only in the afternoons. I’m thinking about getting back into tournament chess after a long (38 year) absence I’d like to find a group that can show me the (new) ropes. Can anyone point me to a club with evening hours.


Hello Mr. Sullivan,

The clubs affiliated with US Chess can be found here
uschess.org/assets/msa_jooml … st=MI&pg=1

I looked at drive times under an hour.

There is a Monday evening club in Howell.
There is a Tuesday evening club in Flint.
There is a Wed evening club in Lansing.

The MI state associations site’s list of clubs can be found here

Hi Richard,

I’m on the eastside myself, about an hour from Novi. We have a number of clubs on this side of town that have evening hours if you are willing to travel a bit.

My suggestion would be to look up the Ann Arbor club. I’m pretty sure they still meet weekly. Jennifer Skidmore still runs action tournaments over there from time to time.

Canton has a monthly action tournament also. Dates can be found on the MCA website calendar.

Hope this helps! Good luck with your comeback.
