March 2012 Golden Database

It looks like the March Golden Database .DBF file is a duplicate of the file for the February Golden Database. The first odd thing was that when you try to save the ZIP file containing it, it attempts to give the ZIP file the same name as the February Golden Database (GD1202). After choosing a different name to use besides the 1202.ZIP default, when the files are all extracted, the TARATSUP.DBF files for the February and March Golden Database appear to be identical, except the creation date is 3 weeks later for the March Golden Database. It should be virtually impossible for the current month’s rating supplement database file NOT to be bigger than the previous month’s.

Has anyone used the “March” Golden Database and confirmed that the ratings it has are really March ratings, and not February ratings?

The link that reads “March 2012 Golden Database” indeed points to the February 2012 database, not the March version.

Until that’s fixed, you can get the March 2012 database by using the link in the table just below that (below the line that reads “Archived Golden Databases”). The link for March 2012 is correct in that table.

The files in the “Archived Golden Databases” table all say “Golden DB Text File” which sounds like it’s not a DBF file?

Phil Smith generates and posts the rating supplement files.

You should contact him via email,

The March Golden DBF is down there - I pulled it the other night. But that top link went to the February file for sure.

Phil Smith says the links have been corrected.

Allen - The same kind of problem exists with the audio files from the November 2011 EB meeting; both links to Sunday’s sessions are actually links to the first and second sessions of Saturday, and Sunday’s sessions are not linked at all.

Phil says that typo should be fixed as well.