Maximum Number of Rounds

Does anyone know the maximum number of rounds for a USCF Swiss tournament (which is held every year)?

And which is it?

Steven Craig Miller

The U.S. Open used to be 12 rounds. It’s usually 9 rounds now, but I think it’s 12 rounds every few years. Another 12 rounder was the Monadnock Marathon, an annual tournament that used to be held in New Hampshire.

The US Open used to be 13 rounds. At least, it was in Seattle, 1966.

Thank you everyone.

The Insanity was ten rounds.

Actually, pi squared, but as any physicist will tell you, that’s ten.

Bill Smythe

I don’t know about Swiss Sys, but I believe WinTD can “only” handle twelve rounds.

And I am often the maximum round in locations where I play. I really do have to get into a routine of getting back to the gym again.

I wonder if there is a maximum number of rounds that can be handled in Tournament Rating Reports in TD/A by either upload or entry? (For the fun of it I just gave it 6 players for 15 rounds on manual entry and it didn’t hiccup at that at all.)

Yep 12 it is

Nolan sent me a couple of PM’s.

The maximum number of rounds possible for the online entry system can handle is 32. Apparently no event has come close to that, but there have been 24 round events. (I’d imagine a 13 player DRR?)

He also noted that the maximum number of WinTD rounds may be more than 12, so I performed a little experiment. Attempting to pair a round 13 gives a, “Value is too Large,” Alert error and it will not pair.

I just looked at SwissSys and it looks as if you can pair 24 rounds with it.

One possibility I hadn’t thought about in WinTD, and am now playing with, is to up the “Games per round” setting in the section. While 12 round still might be the maximum number of rounds, a TD can apparently make 24 games out of that. (Which makes me wonder how that gets uploaded - does it split it by round when the report is generated, or create a second section, or other? Don’t have time to test that now, and not sure I want to waste the USCF server resources to try it anyway.)

The practical use for two games per round is for “double Swiss” blitz tournaments. For each round, the opponents play two games, switching colors after the first game. A player may score between zero and two points per round (instead of just 0, 1/2, and 1.)

For the rating report, each round is reported as two separate “rating report rounds”, so MSA will show the player having the same opponent for two consecutive rounds. Of course, when a player scores 1.0 out of 2.0 for the round, that could be either a win and a loss or two draws. The rating system doesn’t care; both lead to exactly the same rating.

Here is an example in MSA.

When you upload a tournament to the USCF where the same player is entered twice and plays two games in a round against different opponents, it warns you, but it passes validation. I don’t know how far you can push that, but it seems to work for at least one player. That is a little different than your scenario, which is one player entered once playing two different games in a round.

I’m not sure how WinTD does it, but SwissSys creates a “.SCC” file (note that the second character is the number of the completed round) for a six round double swiss tournament and, as Mr. Ballou has suggested, makes round 1 in the original tournament rounds 1 and 2 in the modified tournament, etc.

Alex Relyea

I would think that it would be the original North American Open in Stillwater, Oklahoma either Labor Day Weekend or Memorial Day Weekend, depending on the OSU football schedule. The first year I believe it had 20 rounds, but since has ranged from 8-12. This year it is 11. Frank Berry has a lot of information on the tournament’s history.

Alex Relyea