Problem with submission for 20-round tournaments

(Posting on behalf of the TD who ran the tourney who is not yet on these forums)

A recent state blitz championship was run at G/5 with 2-second delay, 10 round Swiss, each round two games (white/black, black/white). Unfortunately, it seems that SwissSys won’t submit a tournament longer than 14 rounds.

Would it be possible to submit the tournament in two pieces (first half/second half) electronically and then have them be somehow merged on the USCF end? Are there any other suggestions that would work (and would avoid the 40c/game rating fee for faxed report submission)?


– Randy Shane

The office has no tool for ‘merging’ two sections. Not that it wouldn’t be possible to create one, but, realistically, how often would they need it?

You could use Swis-Sys for the first 14 rounds and enter the remaining rounds using the ‘Add a round’ button in the online editing form in TD/A (I know several TDs who enter all their crosstables using the online editing form.)

BTW, I think WinTD has a similar limitation.

The online editing form should be able to accommodate up to 32 rounds.

Hmm, okay.

I think we’re going to enter it manually, then


A second way to do this would be to put each player in twice, with rounds 1-10 under one set of pairing #s (say, players 1-10) and rounds 11-20 under the second set of pairing #'s (11-20). The ratings programming will combine all games in a section under each USCF ID but with multiple pairing #s for ratings purposes.

BTW, as of December 1st, events submitted on paper are 60 cents per game, not 40 cents per game.