Millionaire Chess Open

An upcoming chess tournament Oct 9 - 13 2014 with a $1,000,000 prize fund (and a $1,000 early bird entry fee)

However, as seen on the website:

“The organizers reserve the right to cancel the tournament if 1,500 participants are not registered by March 31, 2014”

Given that players can pay the lower $1,000 entry fee until the end of July (then it goes up to $1,500), I don’t think many will register four months early, before March 31st.

  • Edited to add link to website

I just hope the organizers have enough sense not to let Borislav Ivanov play.

I’m assuming this is not a USCF rated event, but where is it being held and who are the organizers?

Vegas, and if it’s offering FIDE norms, then it has to be rated by USCF. It also says you have to be a USCF member to play in the event.

I’ve forwarded information on this event to Jean Hoffman and Walter Brown at the USCF office.

FWIW, GM Maurice Ashley is apparently behind this event. (He was also behind the HB Global.)

I do wonder if the part about cancelling the event by March 31st for insufficient entries is in compliance with USCF rules.

Sorry, forgot to post the link:

I"m not entirely sure an event held in the USA has to be USCF rated to offer FIDE norms, I don’t know if that’s a FIDE requirement and I don’t recall it specifically being a USCF requirement. I think the USCF might have to send it to FIDE.


Why did you assume it’s not going to be USCF rated? Is there anything else in the tournament info that got your haunches up besides cancellation clause (that will be irrelevant after March 31st)?

Michael Langer

I suppose if it isn’t mentioned in a TLA until after March 31st, then there isn’t a problem with USCF rules and that clause.

The HB Global event had several factors that probably limited turnout, primarily location and dates. Las Vegas is a much better location than Minneapolis, I don’t know if October is that much better a date than May.

National Chess Day would be over that weekend.

David A. Cole, USCF Life Member, Franklin, NJ

That’s probably worth 1,500 entries all by itself! :laughing:

Here’s a question: roughly how many unique USCF ID’s play in a rated tournament each year?

What is the specific rule in this case?

I think October is a better date. Personally, I could not attend the 2005 HB Global tournament because it was during finals (mid-May), and I’m sure a lot of youth players (ages 14-22) were similarly affected.

Rule 23A2 covers when an event may be cancelled, with the comment on page 100: “A disappointing number of advance entries is never a valid reason for cancellation.”

When I try, the website says it is down. If it can be cancelled with less than 1500 players then stating it is absolutely guaranteed would not be totally correct.

The HB Global had a number of GM participants who received free entries in exchange for doing some work during the event (lecture, analysis session, etc.). I don’t know if such entries will be counted in that 1500.

Perhaps they’ll pay him to stay away.

I’d like to see him play… let’s put him to the test…

This is from the FAQ on the site:

"Do I have to become a member of the US Chess Federation (USCF) in order to register?

No, but you must be a USCF member in order to play in the event. You may register now and update your membership information later. You may sign up to be a member of the USCF at

I would let him compete in the Open Section wearing flip flops and a sleeveless shirt. Especially if he would adhere to all the other rules. Of course, what happens in Europe will probably stay over in Europe considering the rules.

His feet smell

Well, if his nose runs AND his feet smell - then he’s built upside down. :laughing: