Money Floors

I have seen many people who have met the criteria of the money floor in tournaments but they do not have the rating floor any after winning their specific section. One example is the winners of the under 2000, under 1600, and under 1400 do not have money floors for winning their sections. Why is that? Just because they won that section does not mean that they will not try and win another under section in a different large-scale prized event somewhere else. I think the money floors should go back to the $3,000 mark. What do you guys think and how can the rating system be improved for money floors or any other system?

Just winning the section or class prize doesn’t mean you get a money prize floor, you have to earn a section or class prize of $4000 or more, and since the demise of the Millionaire Open, there just aren’t a lot of tournaments offering prizes big enough.

Lowering the threshold would be up to the EB.

And of course, the TDs have to report the prize for it to be entered.

I don’t see any new money prize floor entries since 2019.

The issue is that there should be because some people have won over the $4000 threshold

You could drop a note to and let them know, they can contact the chief or submitting TD of the event to ask if any money prize floors were earned.

FWIW, the threshold was never $3000, it was increased from $2000 to $4000.

I see several events in 2021 that reported money prizes of $4000 or more, but in one of them the recipients were GMs, so it is unlikely that their ratings are low enough to earn a money prize floor, as the money prize floors don’t go higher than 2000.

The others appear not to have been processed yet. It appears likely that these are the first money prize floor reports that have been received since Susan retired, as there weren’t a lot of big money events in the last 18 months, and it may be that nobody on staff has been tasked to process them since then.