Here, you can see some pics:
Me taking the Queen!! … 710#p21209 … 694#p21207
I have more thanks to Mr Cao. Will post later.
It was an amazing time last night in Saint Louis. I arrived at the Saint Louis club after work - a bit too late to see Gary Kasparov’s lecture, because I had to work and the weather was bad. Gary was going out the door and talking with Nakamura and Finegold on the way out. (Sometimes I can’t believe this is still Saint Louis!). There was not enough room for me to watch Short’s lecture in-person, but with all the flat-panel TVs my son and I were able to watch in another room. Nigel discussed his Evan’s Gambit game against Ponomariov. Very entertaining.
Afterward, the real fun started and I was able to play Nigel Short in the simul. I believe Short had two draws and one loss. The loss was against me. I want to say my strategy was just to get him out of his book, since, you know, he helped write it! Then make complications without jeopardizing my position too severely. And of course, all a patzer needs against one of the worlds greatest players - LUCK!
And btw, my knight sac was SWEET!
[Event “Nigel Short Simul”]
[Site “STL Chessclub”]
[Date “2010.11.30”]
[Round “?”]
[White “Short, Nigel”]
[Black “Nesham, Tim”]
[Result “0-1”]
[ECO “B40”]
[WhiteElo “2700ish”]
[BlackElo “1800ish”]
- e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. g3 Be7 4. Bg2 g5 5. d4 cxd4 6. Nxd4 a6 7. O-O Nc6 8. Be3
h5 9. c4 Ne5 10. Qe2 Qc7 11. Rc1 Bf6 12. f3 Ne7 13. Nd2 N7c6 14. N2b3 d6 15. c5
Bd7 16. cxd6 Qxd6 17. Rd1 Qb4 18. Nxc6 Bxc6 19. Bc5 Bb5 20. Qe3 Nc4 21. Qf2 Qa4 - Nd4 Ne5 23. b3 Qa5 24. Nxb5 axb5 25. Rac1 Qxa2 26. Qe3 Nc6 27. Bf1 h4 28.
Rd2 Qa5 29. Rcd1 hxg3 30. hxg3 Rd8 31. Rxd8+ Bxd8 32. b4 Qc7 33. Qf2 Be7 34.
Bxb5 Bxc5 35. bxc5 Ke7 36. Rd6 Qa5 37. Bf1 Ne5 38. Rb6 Nxf3+ 39. Qxf3 Qxc5+ 40.
Qf2 Rh1+ 41. Kxh1 Qxf2 42. Rxb7+ Kf6 43. Bg2 Qxg3 44. Rb1 Ke5 45. Rf1 f5 46.
exf5 exf5 47. Rf3 Qh4+ 48. Kg1 g4 49. Rf1 f4 50. Rf2 Qg3 51. Rf1 0-1