Need help submitting a Tourn

I used swiss sys. when I am On the affil page which files do I submit…I only see 1 for the entire tournament even though it was four rds. The file is not a database file.

Can someone please help explain which files and how to submit online.


SwisSys has a menu option for creating a USCF rating report.

This will create 3 files, the default names for them are:


The first is the tournament header file, and it should have just one record in it.

The second is the section header file, it should have one record for each section.

The third is the player detail file, it should have one record for each player in each section (if there were 10 or fewer rounds, otherwise it will have two records for each player in each section with 11-20 rounds.)

To submit online, you need to have a login ID for the TD/Affiliate Support Area for yourself (the TD), and an affiliate has to have authorized you to submit rating reports from them (using THEIR login.) You can request a login from the old Members Only page,

Can I add a TD to the school affiliate using any online resource…

I’m not sure I understand the question.

If the affiliate has a login for the TD/Affiliate Support Area and you have been given that login and the password, all you need is a web browser to update the list of authorized TDs for that affiliate.

how so though…where in the affiliate area can I make that update…as I am on the affiliate page and loged on…

by the way thank you so much, I have already produced the report!

If you are logged in to TD/A AS THE AFFILIATE, there should be a menu option to update the list of authorized TDs for that affiliate.

The separation of functions between what TDs do and what affiliates do, and the coordination or ‘handshaking’ between the two, tends to be a bit confusing.

For example, only affiliates may send in TLAs. The printed form for TLAs requires an officer of the sponsoring affiliate to sign it, but there’s no place to indicate the TD.

However, the chief TD signs the rating report, and while the affiliate must be listed there’s no place on the form for an officer of the affiliate to sign it.

A year or so ago I tried to find some ‘red hat’ and ‘blue hat’ icons so that I could hopefully make it a bit clearer, but I never found ones I liked.

Thank you for the help…

I have submitted the tourn…it appears to have worked…it simply says not checked though…

When will it post as friday is the last day for the Feb. supplement…and two of my kids still have no rating for Nationals.

What do I do from here?



I take it you have not read the various help files, instructions and FAQ on the TD/A page. (Sometimes I wonder why I bothered to write them.)

Submitting the rating report is a several stage process:

  1. You upload the three files for the event.

  2. It is validated (checked for errors). You will get a validation report via email. (That’s why you MUST have a valid email address in your USCF member record in order to use TD/A.) It should go through a validation check when it is uploaded, but you can always force one using the online editing form.

  3. If there are errors, you must correct them, either using the online editing form or by deleting that event, recreating the upload files and uploading it again, and have it validated again. If there are warnings you must either correct the event to remove those warnings or override them using the online editing form. Some errors (especially those involving membership issues) may require submitting a membership exception request, some of which can be processed automatically but others have to be reviewed by the USCF office staff.

  4. Only when you get the email telling you there are no errors or warnings may you submit it for rating. That’s the point at which you must pay the ratings fee via credit card. If you haven’t gotten to the point where you’ve entered the credit card information, the event HAS NOT BEEN SUBMITTED FOR RATING YET.

Note: Just because we can find no obvious errors (or warnings of potential errors) in an event, that does not mean it is error-free. It is still the TD’s job to check the files and rating report for accuracy for things we cannot check, such as the results of games or incorrect IDs. You can order a crosstable of a pending event (one that has not yet been submitted for rating) via email.

While all of the above may sound a bit complicated, once you get some experience at it you will find it takes very little time at all, especially if you take care DURING the event to try to prevent errors. Several of our TDs routinely get their events submitted within a few hours of when the event ends, and some of those events have several hundred players in them.

Here’s a technique that some TDs use to help get their events error-free quickly. After the 1st or 2nd round they create a set of upload files and submit the event for validation. This will tell them if there are membership issues or problems to deal with while they can still talk to the players about them, and collect dues if necessary. (Of course, they should delete the partial event once they’re done checking for problems.)

If the players have “unpublished” ratings prior to Feb. 1 (probably even later than that), the “unpublished” ratings will be used for the Nationals. So there should be no special rush to get this rated by Friday.

I’m not sure if the above statement is correct, and I’ve asked Jerry Nash to check on it.

We did allow some players who were unrated as of February 2005 to use their April ratings at SuperNationals III, but as I recall that was because we were WAY BEHIND in processing rating reports, in part because of the transition from the old ratings programming to the new programming.