Uploading SwissSys Tnt. Report

Hi !
I guess this query is directed to Nolan. I have filled out the SwissSysS tnt. report form and went to the TD/Aff. Support page. I am not sure what to enter for the Player, Header and Section files. Also how do I pay for the rating fee ? Thanks !
Tom Hartmayer

When you used , it should have created three files: TDEXPORT.DBF, THEXPORT.DBF, and TSEXPORT.DBF. You had to tell the program where to save them, so I have no idea where to tell you to look. (Some people put them on the Desktop, but I prefer to set up a subdirectory in the tournament folder in advance.) These are what you have to upload. You don’t pay for it until the very end of the process – after you have uploaded the files, checked for errors, corrected any errors, it shows as “Ready to submit,” and you submit it for rating. Then you get the payment page.

I think the process is fairly well explained in the Frequently Asked Questions document on the TD/Affiliate Support Area home page, uschess.org/TD_Affil.

Look for the entry ‘How do I submit a rating report online?’

Thanks John !
OK I saved them to the Desktop but now get a message for sending the report to diskette, which I don’t want to do. Any advice on how to proceed ?
Tom Hartmayer

You can ignore the save to diskette as long as you save the files elsewhere. If you want to do the verify you simply point it towards where you saved the files.
That is why some create a specific directory/folder to save the files to. It makes it easier to find them.

Thank you all ! I have just successfully uploaded and submitted for rating the UCONN SOE $14K scholarship Tnt. !
Tom Hartmayer

Glad to hear you got it working, Tom. It sounds like you were having problems with SwisSys rather than with the upload process itself.