New feature on website Tournament Listings

The Tournament Listings search page will now provide a link to TLAs that are scheduled to be printed in future issues of Chess Life or Chess Life for Kids.

See … Itemid=199

Cool, thanks! :wink:

It’s worth noting that we will only display future TLAs that are either free or have already been paid for, not ones where there is a payment still outstanding.

I assume those initially unpaid-for TLAs will be displayed after they are paid for.

Bill Smythe

Correct, as soon as they are paid for (which can be done via the TD/Affiliate Support Area), they will be available online and will be included in the events that can be selected for the next edition of TLA Mail.

I can already see a significant increase in the number of hits on TLAs since I added them to the state search page. Yesterday nearly 2/3 of the hits on TLAs came from the state search page, … Itemid=199

The interesting question will be whether this results in any noticeable increase in attendance at tournaments.