As was noted some time back, the Online TLA Search Service is being redesigned to better meet the needs of the office, organizers, TDs and players.
The first phase was to set up a TLA tracking system for TLAs entered by the office. The office started using this system during the summer.
The second phase of this project should take place in the next 2-4 weeks and will bring many of the TLAs that appear in either Chess Life or Chess Life for Kids into the Online TLA Search Service, though possibly with somewhat more limited search options.
This brings me to a request of all organizers. In order to facilitate searching by zip code (ie, for events no more than some number of miles away), please make sure you give us a zip code for the site of your event when submitting a TLA to the office.
Phase three will give organizers the ability to enter and pay for TLAs online, we hope for that to occur by the end of 2007. Until then, please continue to send your TLAs to the office.