New FIDE website

For those who may be interested, please check out the new FIDE website which, I believe, was launched this morning. Now they have the “Person of the Day” and our own GM Jeffery Xiong takes the first honors! Yesterday, Jeffery knocked out the second seed, GM Anish Giri, at the World Cup. Now Jeffery, along with Wesley So and Leinier Dominguez move on to the 4th Round which resumes tomorrow.

Looks like some of the information is still missing from the website, but hopefully will be there soon.

Thanks, Franc. We’re checking to see if this will require any changes to the procedures we use to download data files from FIDE.

Unfortunately FIDE did not communicate much about these changes before they just did them.

So far, they don’t appear to have broken the procedure we use to download FIDE ratings, titles and other FIDE designations (like arbiters).

As I recall, FIDE seldom advises member federations of website changes in advance, but US Chess doesn’t always announce changes before they happen, either.

'Glad that the procedure for downloads does not appear to be broken. By the way, to be clear, IA and FA are also FIDE titles (just not player titles). NA, however, is not a FIDE title, it is a license or certification.

I don’t think the search function has been improved.

Even searching for a specific player, it lists multiple matches with the player’s last name (not the specific player listed), and the results of players whose last names match are not listed alphabetically by first name.

I don’t get it, I can’t find anything – rules of chess; ratings; contact info; member countries; etc. The first sign of trouble was when I saw the word “beta” on the page. You mean I got a beta without even asking? So when I couldn’t find anything I normally look for, I clicked the “Archive” button. This got me a page that looks like the old FIDE page. But when I clicked the “Handbook” button on that page, I got a pale shadow of a page, nothing to read. On the USCF Issues Forum I read a lot of griping about how unreliable the USCF webpage can be, but FIDE is making the USCF look like geniuses.

You can still get the old version of the site. At least I managed that somehow yesterday.

Larry S. Cohen

The new FIDE website looks pretty good to me. Sad to see US Chess hasn’t been able to do something similar after all the time and money invested in trying to improve the US Chess website.

Website programming is expensive, most independent/contract web programmers charge $100 an hour if not considerably more than that.

Of course US Chess stopped work after the first phase to deal with a more pressing issue of modernizing the back end of our data systems. That contract is on process. Phase 2 of that is where we will go back into the website and rewrite the balance of the system. The expected total duration is about 2 years. We let the phase 1 contract a few months ago.

My bad, or at least, my bad browser. The new FIDE site doesn’t work with IE 11, but it seems to work OK with Google Chrome.

I found the rules of chess; they look OK. I looked over the News – it is roughly what I expect in News, now that I have been reading the News on the USCF website for some time. I also looked at Ratings; they look OK.

Micah is comparing it favorably with the USCF website, but I don’t get it. Is there something wrong with this site that isn’t wrong with FIDE? They both look fairly useful.

Note that I still don’t like the idea of getting a beta whether I ask for one or not. In the server business, which is what my employer is in, “beta” is something you have to explicitly sign up for, knowing that you’re on the bleeding edge. But, until I encounter something broken with the FIDE site, other than that it doesn’t work with IE 11, I won’t carp too much about using a “beta”.

Anyone like the search function on the new FIDE website?

I think it’s nice. Can’t say I’m having the same issues you mentioned, what names did you search?