New USCF Rule book

I’m not sure this is the right forum, but does anyone know when / if an updated version of the USCF Official Rules of Chess (6th ed) would come out? Would / should this include updated material on certification for TD’s, writing moves after playing them, electronic scoresheet (like MonRoi), and Blitz Chess?

Thank you,
Chris Kim
Baltimore, MD

It is unlikely that there will be a new version of the rulebook for some time.

The small number of rule changes and a link to the current TD Certification rules can be found in the latest TD Corner on-line and in the affiliate news letter.

Just use the following URL to get to a page with both the TD Corner link and the 2006 TD Certification rules link:

Tim Just
5th Edition rulebook editor

Dear Tim,

Thank you for your quick reply. I will follow the references you mentioned.


The 4th edition came out in 1993, the 5th in 2003. So maybe 2013?

Bill Smythe