When I started organizing chess tournaments some years ago I decided on Eventbrite for collecting registrations. I am now considering whether I should switch to another platform especially as years have passed since I first considered the issue seriously. I should note that I also use Eventbrite for sending tournament announcements to my email list but I am open to using either the registration platform or a separate email provider for that purpose. Any thoughts anyone may have on other platforms would be appreciated. Thank you!
I am pretty new to being a TD, with way less experience than you folks, so take it with a grain of salt…
The more I fiddle with Chessnut.club, the more I like it.
I formed a club and then drafted members into my club by searching their names (looks like you can import/export a list too). First, it looks up their name in the golden database and automatically fills in their uscf id (selectable though, as the name may bring more than one response).
If you add an email address for the player, then by making an upcomming tournament event, it emails everyone in your club to tell them about the event. They can click the link, make a login and register for your tournament, or you can manually add people to your tournament.
Seems like once it is set up, you can just make a new upcoming tournament and everyone gets notified and can pre register. It does have a money/payment handling system, but I have not tried that yet.
In theory, you could also run the tournament there, or just use that to announce it and use your own software to run the tournament on site.
Again, really new TD here, so there may be other good options out there.
King has worked very well for us, integrating with USCF data on expiration and ratings as well as both PayPal and Stripe for payment: https://www.kingregistration.com/