Pairing opponents multiple times

We advertised a 4 round tournament. In two of the sections we had only 4 players … so we ran a quad and then went another round so some of the players played twice. Will this keep me from submitting the tournament online?

Also, Mike - I don’t know if the ‘rating reports received’ program is yours, but if I enter just the state and the year, it pulls all tournaments for that State for all years.

Keep up the great work!

  • Bob Wilder
    Bear, DE

That should give you a warning, and big scary orange boxes around the games that were played against the same opponent more than once, but it should be ratable. Last week I did a double quad, where each player played each other player twice. It was no problem getting rated.

Alex Relyea

Thanks, Alex!

I got the big orange boxes and that’s what made me concerned. When I logged back on today, I saw that there was a checkbox for an override.

Thanks again!

The override checkbox would have been for something other than playing the same person more than once.

Note that under the USCF ratings formula, playing the same person more than twice makes the section ineligible for bonus points.