There were 4 players in one section. Tournament was a 4SS. Obviously in the last round everyone had to play someone that they had already played. The tournament will not upload because of this. Can I force it to go through somehow? I thought that perhaps I could list the section as a 3 round tournament and then submit the 4th round as a new tournament.
Submit as a 3 round tournament and include the 4th round as extra rated games.
I know of no reason that such an event would not upload as long as the file is properly formatted. What pairing program is preparing the upload files?
Validating it will generate messages about the multiple games against the same opponent, but that is not considered an error.
Though it doesn’t appear to be the case here, having more than 2 games against the same opponent would make that player ineligible for bonus points for that event.
Followup: Assuming the event you are referring to is the Cleveland Scholastic Open, the errors in it are not due to players facing the same opponent more than once, the time control field is not entered properly.
I use the Wintd system. And the Pairings - Crosstables - And final standings all worked fine. I just get the Orange rejection message when trying to uplod the tournament to USCF.
Can I override this or just split the 4th game into another sections?
Thanks for your help and advice.
Please read the email about the validation report, it explains what the error is.
The orange coding on the edit form for ‘multiple games against same opponent’ is not an error condition, it’s there as a visual aid to help point out potential problems with the event. (Normally opponents don’t face each other more than once.)
I understand the email and the warnings. However, when I return to the main page to “submit tournament” all of the boxes are faded except the one marked “Edit Tournament”. It appears that I am only able to edit and not submit. Would there be a way around this?
Thanks again.
When you fix the error in the time control field and revalidate it, you should be able to submit it.
BTW, the event uploaded just fine, it’s the validation of it to get to an error-free state that you’re having problems with.
I am not sure that I have a problem with the time control entry. Was this in regards to my question about the multiple games?
Everything is okay now. I started from scratch and it accepted. Even though it still gave the warning about dual opponents I was able to submit. I don’t know what happened but we’re okay. Thanks for your help. I am still figuring this all out.
When there are error messages in the validation email like this one:
**Error: Quick/Dual Time Control not GAME/nn
it seems to me that the source of the problem has been fairly well identified.
The upload process was made fairly straightforward and the error messages are fairly reasonable, but it can still sometimes be a (user) problem to determine what the issue is. I remember one time where the error message was that an ID was missing and I could see it right there where I had added it on the record (after the new mailed-in membership was processed) and it was still flagged a problem. That was so obviously a problem with the program that I e-mailed Mike to let him know that something should be looked at and fixed.
After he let me know that I had entered the ID number in the player name field
it was very easy to correct and get the tournament rated. I don’t know how many times I looked right at that record and didn’t recognize the format mistake I made. After that I did type in both the ID and the (unnecessary) name for mailed in new memberships.
For what it’s worth, there’s an update to the upload/validation suite in the early stage of testing.
The primary changes have to do with recognizing more types of time controls as dual ratable, but I’m also trying to clean up some of the other error messages. (BTW, the place to look for the error messages is in the validation report, not the online editing form. It does not show ALL errors, and that’s not likely to change in the next version of that form.)
This revised upload/validation suite will also accept the new upload file structure which has some additional fields in it, such as color assignments. Recent versions of WinTD can generate the both the current upload file structure and the new one. (I don’t know where Thad Suits is with regards to supporting it in SwisSys.)