Duplicate opponent error in submitting report

Hi everyone,

I just ran my first tournament, and it was fairly small. The novice section (<500) ended up having just 4 players, so I decided to have each pairing play white then black, so there were two games each round. Also, I didn’t have to move everyone around. Each player played everyone else over three rounds, so there were six games total.

The problem comes up when I try to submit the games. I was using SwissSys 7.5, and I used double format. I converted this to Swiss system. When uploading the files, I am getting the “Multiple games against same opponent error”.

I have three questions:

  1. How do I get around this error?
  2. How do people running blitz tournaments using SwissSys get around this? I.e. two games each round with each opponent.
  3. Another solution I might try is to split the Novice into two sections - with the same players but play once with one color and then again with the other color.

Thank you,
Chris Kim
Baltimore, MD

Chris, try this.

After running the validation report open the tournament back up. Next to each player that has a duplicate game check the “override” box. Save the tournament then run the validation report again. If all of your other errors have been corrected you should be able to now rate the tournament.

Hi Grant.

Thank you for your quick reply. It turns out my error had to do with an extra space in Game / 30 and Game / 45 under the time control. Once I fixed this, I still got the orange bars. However, these are just cautionary notes - as I deliberately had each player play an opponent twice, I can ignore them.

Now I am error free with the warning, so I’ll submit. However, I’m curious when people submit blitz tournaments, do they get the orange bars and ignore them?

Thank you again,
Chris Kim

Multiple games against the same opponent is just a cautionary note, which can be ignored if that’s how your event was paired.

It is worth noting, though, that if any player has more than 2 games against the same opponent in an event (ie, section), that player is not eligible for bonus points from that event.

Yes. Actually, it’s handy to confirm that I entered it correctly.

Alex Relyea

About 10% of the events we have validated in the past 15 months have had at least one ‘Multiple games against the same opponent’ cautionary note in them, so they’re fairly commonplace (which is also why they’re NOT a warning that requires an override.)