.PGN to ChessBase for Local Tournaments ?

I believe ChessBase and Convekta both accept .PGN files for inclusion in their next iterations of their biggest CD/DVD games collections.
I believe this holds true even for class level tournaments (though perhaps not for Novice or Blitz tournaments, I am unsure?).

My impression is that for class level tournaments in the USA, most Tournament Organizers do not submit .PGN files for their tournaments to ChessBase or Convekta.
I feel this is unfortunate.

** Question: Is this non-submission pattern due to the workload involved in digitizing, or are there other reasons having nothing to do with labor?

Have you ever tried entering all the games submitted on score sheets from a tournament? The workload is enormous, with absolutely nothing to be gained for the organizer. Of course that is assuming people actually turn them in (which usually means purchasing carbonated score sheets that are more expensive) and that you can make any kind of sense from the garbled, scribble and scrawl that usually passes for a score sheet nowadays.

Of course if everyone used a MonRoi… :laughing:

Chris Bird

We usually send a selection of games to TWIC. Downloading their file each week is the best way to keep your database current. We also post the games at scchess.com/recent.html.

I agree with everything in your reply; except perhaps not with the “nothing to be gained” part.

Certainly it is an enormous amount of work to digitize all the games from your tournament. But not all games have to be included.

A well chosen 1 or 2 games from each class, later appearing in the ChessBase DVD, persists your tournament in chess history.
Plus you could grant every player one week to email to you a .PGN they worked to create of their personal best game.

I have heard that sometimes TWIC game files get copied by and absorbed into ChessBase. I wonder whether that has happened with the files you have sent to TWIC?

I would think it would add an element of interest or awareness or prestige for players to know their little game could go international and be recorded for posterity.

I whole-heartedly agree about how MonRoi would change this dynamic. I could afford a MonRoi, but I cannot in good conscience pay $360 for one: maybe half that. Not that I blame them for charging so much.

And I agree about how hard it is to decode the messes that get handed in as scoresheets. If players notated in LAN (giving both origin and destination square), almost any scoresheet would be legible.