Hi all, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in playing chess with me via instant message. I have various instant message such as aim, windows live messenger or better yet gmail or my yahoo would be cool. It would be great to set up a time to play even if its just a couple games under 30 minutes or something. I don’t know how many responses I will receive to this but more the merrier. I just want to get some practice in- hopefully with persons that don’t cheat. I want some sincere, serious games. It’s simple we have our chess boards set up and we instant msg the notation. I am willing to even play email chess with persons that would like to play but without the commitment of playing on the spot but over time. Thank you.
I prefer FICS (Free Internet Chess Server). They always seem to have a good selection of people on at any given time.
FICS is the greatest invention since sliced bread!
Click here: FICS to get started.
FICS is good.
There are plenty of other servers though
Here’s another thread thats all about email/corrospondence chess and Corrospondance chess servers.
Most “email” chess is actually done on corrospondance chess servers. Its achieves the same result in a much better manner.
I’ll guess that you are NOT on the Atkin’s diet, and thus that is a statement supporting FICS.
well my comp is a little slow… but it can run instant msgs easily if nothing else is running. I tried playing on yahoo games and I lost a game because my comp froze up here and there. As long as the application isn’t too demanding on my comp I could play but without time controls. I am just looking for someone to play with once in a while… and have the feeling of a live game but not be in person. I guess I will look into the correspondence chess forum or something. Thanks for the info everyone.
Try gameknot.com I believe up to 6 games at a time are free. Lots of players from all over the world. About $40 la year lets you play tournaments and league play
FICS runs on much less bandwidth than Yahoo and most other internet sites. It essentially runs on a telnet program (text only). You do need to download the interface once, but that should take a minute or two even on a slow connection.
Winboard is an attractive and user-friendly interface without too many bells and whistles.
There are several other free correspondence site.
chess.com and redhotpawn.com are two.
He might be looking for real time chess though