This message is directed to Nolan, although other experienced uses may help me out.
I have done my first online submission using the TD/Affiliate area, and I found that I badly needed a feature (or am I missing something that is already there?). I like keeping printed records of what was submitted to USCF, so if there are questions or problems with the event, I have a paper trail of what went in. Currently, the submissions go into the USCF database and I don’t see what has been submitted until the event gets rated. Trying to print the screen before I submit suffers from the quirks of my browser - part of the data gets cut off.
It would be really helpful if a printer friendly page were to appear after the submission was completed which has all the information that actually went into the database. Even an email with this information would be better than what I have experienced so far.
I hope there is some trick or feature that this novice user is missing that would make my life easier as a TD. I have much bigger events coming up in less than a month and I would love to see this capability available by then:?
I have a program that will prepare and e-mail a copy of the crosstable for an event that hasn’t been rated yet, I need to find a good place to call it from.
Similarly, I have programs to do crosstables of rated events, I need to get those into the loop somewhere too.
UPDATE: I have added a button for this at the bottom of the tournament edit form. It should mail a copy of the crosstable to the chief TD, assuming that the chief TD has an e-mail address on file with the USCF.
This does not currently show ratings information. When I get time, I can add in the pre-event rating, for events that aren’t rated yet there is no post-event rating information to display, that will come from the other crosstable program that I have.