TD's who do not send in crosstables

I have a specific individual who has not sent in a crosstable in over 7 months. This person has monthly tournaments, and I’m starting to get complaints from players from all over the state. When I ask this individual, he says he will send it in. I’ve sent him 3 emails in the past 3 months about this, and the same answer, “I’m sorry, I’ll send it in.”

I think the current problems with USCF is irrelevant in this case, but I’m wondering what my next action should be. I have sent an email to USCF, but my concern is, what if he never sends any more in? What else can I do?

If you know the tournament director that refused to send in the tournament reports. Find the people that have played at his tournamets. Send in a letter campain even to the president of the federation, also the members of the board. This is conduct that can lead to revocation of his certification. The federation does not like recocations as it has been some time that they ever did one as there has been twenty-two current revocations and suspensions in the rating list.

As he has done this all the time get the members to stop going to his tournaments, that will get him to send them in or give up directing tournaments. The other thing is this, if he has these tournaments he is also not sending in memberships too the federation.

So this director is making money off the membership fee of someone that is not getting his membership or the one that renewed his membership. So if that person goes to a tournament other then his he could be a past member when he should be a current member.

I am glad that you have placed this in the form. We know the the ofice staff reads these forms.

Douglas M. Forsythe, local td

It may not help for TD’s running small events, but the rewrite of the ratings system will include a new reporting format for sending in reports and memberships via the Internet. Hopefully the pairing program authors will update their programs to fully support that format.

Looking at historical records, this time of year the USCF is usually about three weeks behind in rating events. (That’s three weeks from when the event is received in New Windsor.) We’re a few weeks behind that right now, due largely to the systems issues that kept them from rating any events for two weeks. There was a ratings run on Friday, April 23rd,
and if it passes my tests it will be uploaded to MSA this weekend.


How many tournaments does he have outstanding (that he hasn’t submitted)? What is his reasoning for this? Perhaps someone with ISCA needs to get involved? Something placed in Chess in Indiana, perhaps to let players know that he isn’t submitting them?


I’ve contacted him 3 times over the past 3 months along with Gary as well. His normal answer is a “my mistake, I’ll send it in today”. He has I believe 6 outstanding crosstables, plus maybe 5 other ones that date back to September of 2003 from what I’ve heard from other players from across the state. Gary has also sent a few emails to USCF, who have not responded back.

Ken did put something in Chess in Indiana, but wasn’t specific, since that wouldn’t really be fair to single anyone out.

WHOA! :astonished:

I didn’t think you were ever willing to turn a TD into the USCF! Guess I was wrong about that!

The action you suggest is, after all, what I’ve been suggesting all along. So I am surprised you don’t see the connection between that and this. Is it because the other one involves someone who made a judgment about the TD? My point there is the author should also gather complaints from other people and send them in, like you suggest here. If he can’t get anyone else to agree with him, then maybe he’s using faulty judgment, otherwise he should be able to get evidence to support his view.

Anyway, the beat goes on.


Seems to me the other one just talked in vague generalities. In this one, there is a clearly demonstrated pattern of consistent violation. USCF has something to act on here.

I (and the president of the state organization) have sent emails to USCF, and have never gotten a response. I hate to be negative when I get emails from people from all over the state asking about this problem, and when I refer them to the TD, they do not get a response from him.


You need to try and compile a list of events that have not been rated, and then call and talk to Nancy Evans at USCF. If Wick has taken in memberships in these tournaments, has he sent them in? Probably not. This is a serious problem that needs the attention of everyone in Indiana. Send out an ad in CI, with specifics (such as “events not submitted for rating”), suggesting that players not attend anymore of his tournaments (if he is in fact still running tournaments). Is he running the state championship this year? I should hope not. I haven’t seen any TLA’s with his name as a contact person.

This problem has gone on long enough. It’s time to do something about it. Don’t send anymore emails. Call USCF and speak directly to them. BUT, you have to have specific tournament details, such as the ending dates of the tournaments in question.


I think Gary has more weight than I do. It’s just frustrating not having USCF respond, doesn’t make the situation easier. He’s CC’ed me on all those emails.

I personally had my USCF renewed there, and had to call USCF, in which they gave me the benefit of the doubt and went ahead and renewed it, so I really don’t know if he ever sent in my membership or not.

Dear People and Radishes:

With this tournamet director, he should be taken down as a tournament director. Hate the idea of a tournament director not sending in the tournament reports. For the one that use the name radishes, this is a clear example that someone that does not send in his reports, or the membership fees – should be taken off the roles as tournament director.

Some people will cherry pick there quotes out of there true meaning. For this director, inform the USCF, also the state association about his conduct. The director informing that he has forgotten, then telling he will send it, is not acceptable. The director should send in the tournament report within seven days after the end of the tournament, the director has one week grace time; can accept it going past a few days after seven days, it is still past the grace time. Taking the director having a number of tournaments that he has failed to report leads to the problem of the tournamet report could be lost or discarded.

It does not matter what the gender, the social standing of the director, to give anyone that has acted in this matter to be still called a tournament director. When a director that does not send in tournament reports or the way the author of this subject calls the cross tables. As he informed and lead to all the players, that the tournament was a official USCF rated tournament, then without sending the information into the federation has cause the ethical issue of greed. People come to the tournaments, as they have faith in the director, to send in all the needed information to the federation; they have faith in the director that they will conform to all the rules, and make a sound and rational judgement on all questions of the rules.

The one with the handle of Radishes makes his statement, will make it clear, do not support any director that does not send in tournament reports or membership fees.

Douglas M. Forsythe, local td

Yes, he did talk in generalities. He didn’t say what caused him to come to his opinion. That is why I have been insisting all along that he get supporting evidence, because it’s possible he has a grudge against that TD, or what he thinks he sees isn’t what is happening at all, or maybe he’s just biased in his thinking against this TD.

This one is specific, and the USCF does have something to act on. That doesn’t mean the other poster didn’t have specifics either, it just means he maybe didn’t want to share them with us.

It’s also possible that maybe he was doubting his own judgment and was afraid we might call it into question. As I said, before he contacts the USCF, he needs to find others who support his view.


Understanding the feeling of the people, to have a active tournament director removed if the direcot does not send in tournament reports or membership fees. One of the reasons the federation has a hard time to remove a tournament director, is the problem of the limited members that are active tournament directors.

With the federation on the campaign “Activity Means Members” why would the federation go and swat the tournament directors pool. The one that takes care of the penalities, is the executive director; if there are penalies, the director can appeal it to the TDCC, then appeal to the executive board, then the board of delegates, and the board of delegates are final. Some people have questions about the executive director Bill Goichberg, do not know the man, some have talked about how close he is with other chess groups.

The problem, is not how many people are tournament directors, or how many members become tournament directors. There is a very small pool of directors, that will have a tournament in a year. It is not the question how many tournaments that happen in a state, just notice how many people you have in a given year, that has one tournament.

Know of one director that has a tournament each month in Toledo, Ohio, know one director in Flint, Michigan, know of one director in the Detroit area, that almost have a tournament every week, know of one tournament every month in the Lansing area, but over the years the director has changed. Yes, Lansing and the Detroit area have other tournaments, they are in line with the Michigan Chess Association. Know of the city of Grand Rapids, that has a population close to one million people, cannot recall a tournament in Grand Rapids in years, one of the reasons, there is no active tournament director in the region.

One of the reason the federation is not in the total mood for de-certification of a director, if you take away a director, who will take the directors place. Any president of a chess club that is worth his salt, knows if you remove a tournament director, or the tournament director just stops doing tournaments, the club will get smaller without tournaments.

The best way to get ride of a bad tournament director, is having so many active tournament directors, that every weekend you can find a tournament in less then fifty miles. Do not like the idea of a director that does not send in tournament reports or membership fees, they should be punnished.

What all active tournament directors do understand, is finding out who is also doing tournaments. Just in my county know three senior tournament directors, one is a member of the TDCC, with myself there are two local tournament directors, then there is one that does open tournaments in the city. We all know each other, if we have a tournament every month in the city of Ann Arbor, with a population greater then 115,000 we know it would not work. We know there is a nitch, if there is a tournament in Ann Arbor, the best anyone can get other then being a Michigan Chess Association event, for being 20 players and with the best luck 30.

If you know a director that is not sending in reports, have your own tournament. Best way to make it as a director, never have it on the same day as his, but have it the next weekend, or if his is a Saturday have yours on a Sunday. There are some players that would say, if there is a tournament less then a half hour drive they will show up. Each member, has there reason for going to a tournament or not going to a tournament.

Untill there is a greater amount of tournaments with different directors, the best and only way to get a bad director out, is be a director yourself or have someone to take his place. It takes a great deal of work to have the federation remove a poor director, it is just supply and demand.

Douglas M. Forsythe, local td

It seems that Nancy Evans finally addressed this issue after getting a few emails. The TD sent in crosstables from July 03 to March 04 all at one time, but I guess that’s irrelevant.

Nancy stated she would be contacting this director along with personally going through and entering these in so they are going to be in the June supplement, which I applaud her for.

Wow, that’s a lot of tournament reports.

Nancy usually gets things done quickly. She’s really a great part of the USCF team.

BTW, Dave, TD’s send in Tournament Reports to USCF, while USCF mails out crosstables to the TD’s. :stuck_out_tongue:


Dear Thunderchicken:

Glad that the director has sent in the tournament reports for all the events. Inform us if the reports are done and rated, before the June 2004 cut off date for the rating list.

Douglas M. Forsythe, local td

Over the weekend there was a new feature added to the ratings page,

It is a ‘Tournaments Rated’ search feature. You can now see what tournaments from your state or from a month have been rated and when. This feature complements the ‘Tournaments Received’ search.

(I think this feature also makes it easier to find the event ID for events if you know the state or month it was held but not the event name.)