problem of logging into "TD/AFFILIATE" Area of w

Logging into TD Affiliate area does not work for me. I’ve got a TD certification from USCF. I’m trying to set this up, but I’ve got a problem with the “Member ID” part of it. I don’t want to register per my current club affiliation. I ought to be able to regeister per my TD status with my own ID. I do not know what to enter on the menu prompt for “Member ID”. It says, “Please Note: this is not your USCF ID”. When they e-mailed my password, they never sent me a member ID. ??? Anyone familiar with these issues?

Did you take a look at the faq?

In particular it doesn’t sound like you went to the Member Only area
and there did a “TDs & Affiliates: Request access to the USCF’s TD/Affiliate Support Area” in order to obtain your Login ID.

In addition to what Tom has pointed out, if you plan to use the TD/Affiliate Support Area to submit either memberships or rating reports, you will need to have an affiliate authorize you to submit events under their affiliate ID.

(Many TD have their own affiliate, but that still requires that the affiliate have a separate login ID to TD/A so that the affiliate can authorize the TD)

Bear with me please. In fact, I did use the member-only area. I did select a password etc. I read the FAQ this a.m., and even called the office and spoke to two people (1 man, 1 woman) in the office, and both are unfamiliar with the difficulty.

What the menu prompts is for A. MEMBER ID & B. password.
The password I have.

The  MEMBER ID is for the AFFILIATE.    So the question  is,  as a TD,  can I not establish  an affiliate?

It is often easier if you could give the url where you are trying to do this. You originally talked of “Logging into TD Affiliate area” but that does not ask for a Member ID - it asks for a Login ID.

Send in $40 and you can establish an affiliate.

Affiliates and members can both use the Members Only area for several tasks, such as downloading copies of the rating supplement files. There will be additional benefits to USCF members available through Members Only in the future.

What is needed to log in to Members Only is the USCF ID and the PIN for that ID. That information is generally on the back cover of Chess Life.

For security reasons, only current USCF members (not affiliates) must request access to the TD/Affiliate Support Area from within the Members Only area. (That’s because we use the member’s birthdate as an additional identity check.)

An individual requesting access as a TD must be listed as a certified TD in USCF records. (About a third of the TD access requests we receive are from people who are not certified TDs.)

An individual requesting access for an affiliate must be listed as an officer of the affiliate in the USCF’s records.

The TD Affiliate Support Area uses a much more secure login system. The ID for logging in to TD/A is chosen by the user and cannot be your USCF ID. Similarly, the password will be chosen by the user once the login process is completed.

Later this month we expect to release some new TD/A features, notably the ability for an affiliate to place funds on deposit with the USCF and use them to pay membership dues, ratings fees, or TLA fees online.

When this feature is activated, it should be a bit more obvious to users why TD/A has a more elaborate login feature and why every TD must be authorized to use an affiliate. (An affiliate will be able to decide whether each of the TDs it authorizes are granted access to the funds the affiliate has on deposit.)

I’m still not clear what the original question posed was, but this is probably not an appropriate place to answer it. Please e-mail me at


Look for my e-mail. I think it will clarify.

Everything A-OK now! Thanks. :stuck_out_tongue: