Getting password reset for the TD/Affiliate area.

I’m working with the president of our local chess club to get all of our TDs set up in the TD/Affiliate area. Apparently the USCF set him up with an account and an affiliate account for the club several months ago and e-mailed the account info to his e-mail address. But the e-mails didn’t contain the passwords for logging in. We tried using the “Lost your password” link several times, but never received an e-mail. We also tried using the “Contact us” link to send an e-mail explaining the situation, but again received no response (since Monday). His e-mail is apparently set up in the system correctly, with no “spamblocker” problems as he received the e-mails from the USCF stating the accounts where set up. So can anyone recommend where to go from here? :confused:

I’ve been handling the TD/A account issues. I don’t specifically recall a
contact e-mail on this one, but I have been putting in a LOT of hours trying to get the ratings system back online, and I may have missed seeing some e-mails.

The ‘lost password’ feature will only work if both of the following are true:

  1. You know both the USCF ID and the Login ID assigned.

  2. There is an e-mail address on file for that USCF ID.

The 2nd is usually what trips folks up. For security reasons we will only send a new password to the e-mail address that is already on file for that USCF member or affiliate.

Note that the automated systems will never send both the login ID and the password in the same e-mail message, also for security reasons. And the initial password is not e-mailed at all, it is displayed online after the signup form has been filled out.

(Some purists object to this because that password will only be assigned if there are no problems with the access request and the account is actually created, but I don’t have a better solution to that)

Have someone e-mail the ID, Login ID and e-mail address and I’ll make
sure our records have all of that information in them.

My e-mail is