Problem with Tournament Report after Upload

Is anyone else having the same problem. Using WinTD 4.20 tournament files were uploaded to US Chess. After upload, when going back into the event it does not show any game results. Tried using two different computers and made two different USCF reports. The computers and WINTD version used have been used for over a year to submit at least 1 tournament a month. This is a first time encountering this issue.

I had the same problem tonight also. The player names/id numbers were fine, and they were even in the right order by score, but no game results or scores themselves. After a few tries I gave up and had to input the game results by hand.

Fortunately I only had to manually enter about 160 games. I did not include color information.
ResultPairingnumber (i.e. D13 for a Draw against player 13).
B=bye (full point)
H=bye (half point)
U=unpaired (or zero-point bye)
X=forfeit win (opponent number is not needed)
F=forfeit loss (opponent number is not needed)

I’ve moved this topic from US Chess Issues to Running Chess Tournaments.

Although there was no obvious formatting issue with the files from this version of WinTD, a minor change in the upload program has been made that corrects the problem. This should not negatively impact uploads from other versions.

There were over 90 tournaments successfully uploaded over the weekend, so whatever was causing this issue was not widespread.

I was testing about a half hour ago and had the problem using both WinTD 4.20 and 4.11 with the revised dbf. Using WinTD 4.11 worked with the original dbf (no color information though).

I don’t see an original dbf option in WinTD 4.20. Granted, I never looked for it before.

After Mike’s work the revised dbf upload works fine.

Thank you Mike

Thanks Mike!!