Producing Print TLAs Online

I wanted to check on the current procedures for this. From what I’ve read, the automated procedure for payment hasn’t yet been implemented, but we can still submit tlas for March CL up to Jan 20. For now, we have to directly contact Joe Wright about payment.

What I do need to know is exactly what information he needs about the tla: possibly the TLA ID (the mnemonic name used to fetch the tlas by me); or maybe the USCF Event ID (12 digit number generated by the USCF).

Also, it says that the tla must be “Aproved for online display”. However, I don’t want this tla displayed on-line - just used for the print tla. (I have already requested approval for an on-line version - though I haven’t received that approval yet. That version generated a 18-line tla. I copied that to a 2nd version which I’ve optimized for print that has me down to 11 lines. Of course, I don’t want both versions on-line.) I did check the boxes correctly (no check for on-line, checks for CL and CL4K), but the approval button specifies that it is for on-line display.

After some discussion with several parties, including Bill Goichberg and Steve Immitt, I will be meeting with Daniel Lucas later this week to work on revising how the online and online-to-print TLA systems work, in the hopes of coming up with something that is a bit more flexible in terms of the print TLA process and thus something the big organizers are more likely to utilize.

That is likely to impact how the insertion order/payment module works, so I’m holding off on activating it until I know how much the online form will need to be changed.