Rated Split Result

Is there a way for a split result to be rated as a win for White and an unrated forfeit loss for Black?

I’ve never tried it but I’d guess that editing the result would work (after upload to TD/A and before rating it).
You’d need to use N for the split result rated win. F for the forefeit loss may be fine.

On what conceivable grounds? A move was played over the board or it wasn’t.

Another issue is that the validation program may not accept rating only half of a result.

Out of curiosity, were you able to do this? Did you have to have it done manually by the office, or was there a way to do it on MSA?

Or did you just abandon the effort?

Hi Steve:
I’m not sure why you would want to do this as it appears to violate rating regulations. However, I assume you have a valid reason so would recommend you contact the office before submitting the rating report. They would probably have to do a manual change to override the validation process.
Regards, Ernie