Reentries in Open Sections

Can somebody shed some light on why reentries are usually not allowed in the big money open sections of tournaments, e.g. World Open, Foxwoods, National Open, etc.? I was originally assuming it was because they were FIDE rated but I see the U2400 section at the World Open was FIDE rated and it allowed reentries.

I’m thinking there is probably some history behind this and am hoping one of the many knowledgeable people on this forum can answer it.


A number of players strongly objected to re-entries, so Bill Goichberg decided to compromise by not allowing them in Open sections. Other organizers have simply copied Bill’s format.

It may also be that we don’t want to have problems with FIDE rating the event. The Open sections in the events you mention are FIDE rated.
Regards, Ernie