Seniors Chess

There is a new organization out there supporting Seniors-Only chess, here is the url:

They are called Chess For Seniors Association, and some of their constituents are USCF Senior (and other) Committee members.

Their website keeps a close eye on Seniors events occuring across the USA and World.

Also, as the CFSA approaches the 2015 U.S. Open, they have created a helpful survey (see at the website)
to get feedback from folks that are interested.

btw, the term “Seniors” applies to the age 50+ rule that is used for Seniors tournaments.

Open for questions, feedback, etc.

You pre-emptively avoided people thinking this tournament might apply. … 12151252.1

Since you mention USCF and world, it should be noted that FIDE recognizes 60 & older [as in the World Senior Open] as senior.

Larry S. Cohen

This may not be entirely coincidental, but the Top 100 lists will soon include an ‘Over 50’ list in addition to the ‘Over 65’ list. Also, we will start issuing Top 100 Blitz Ratings lists.

Players who appear on age-based or sex-based Top 100 lists have to have their age and sex noted as confirmed in USCF records, to reduce the possibility of someone appearing on a list that he or she is not eligible for. The USCF office will contact players who are likely to appear on an upcoming Top 100 list but do not yet have confirmed birthdates and sex coding in their USCF member record. If there is no response, that player is not included in the Top 100 list.

Starting up several new Top 100 lists probably means that dozens of members will need to be contacted to confirm this information for the first time.

New=Quick ?
Over 80?
By state?

Not understood

Not planned

Not planned

Actually FIDE recognizes females 50 & older as seniors , only the males have to be 60 & older , and yet females tend to live longer than men ! Shouldnt it be the reverse ?

Can we start an “Over 50 and Consistently Living in Two States List”? :laughing: :wink: :unamused: