Are there any state chess associations out there that hold some sort of annual convention? Something beyond (but maybe in conjunction with) a state championship or annual business meeting… maybe like the US Open but on a smaller scale, or something as simple as an annual banquet? I’d be interested in hearing what goes on and how well it’s attended.
The ICA (IL) usually (always? - I’m not sure) has an annual awards banquet. Twice that awards banquet was a picnic at the same place my club would hold its picnics.
The Michigan Chess Association holds a General Membership meeting during the Michigan Open on Labor Day weekend. Officer reports are presented, elections held, members are allowed to address and question the Board. We usually get 50-70 members attending the meeting.
I have not seen this concept of having a convention attached to a state championship before. I like it. It would be nice to have an annual awards banquet attached to a state championship or a set of other events, workshops, or exhibitions added. Unfortunately, most of the time there is a time crunch in scheduling all of this. Probably it would work if you are using a three day weekend/holiday to fit everything in. Would players be willing to pay a little more to support this type of idea? A hotel might work with you if you are giving them extra room nights. Might need sponsors and vendors money, too, to pull it off. A worthy project idea to work on. Kudoes for the idea. We need more of those.
When I was Secretary of the Washington Chess Federation, I organized an awards banquet. My greatest regret was in not securing for Robert A. Karch an award. My reason was that he was the MC of the event. I still liked the idea of giving awards to the long-suffering chess wives, though!